Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life's Short

It has been the talk of the town: NTU's double suicide within a week. Has stress really been the cause of these two tragic incidents? Well I think it is way more complex than just stress. Most of the people who study or work in Singapore are subjected to numerous amount of stress. How to handle is? In general 3 ways.

1 - Manange your stress, turn it to drive you to strive harder. I think this is the hardest but I'm sure some had suceeded.

2 - Manage your stress, vent it out in a good way which balance your life back. Like, using a stress ball, going for some workout and I would say, NOT playing computer games.

3 - Already numb to the situation. High tolerance to stress but no positive impact on the individual. 

4 - Unable to handle stress. Using abusive methods to reduce the stress such as inflicting dagame to yourself or someone else or something else.

I do ceratainly hope that I fall in type 1 but form time to time we tend to juggle around the 4 types as situation changes from short term stress to long term stress and also the nature of the situation and the influence period of the stress.

You can print this out and stick it on your wall. I think it will help a bit (:

Anti-Stress Kit
More available here

Well, I just hope that things will quite down and every party can take a more active stand to counter this mordern day silent killer. A good way will be "Positive Psychology", a new branch of Psychology which was developed recently to study the factors of making some one happy, satisfied and fulfilled. On contrary to the conventional psychology of studying the illness of the mind, positive psychology focuses on the bright side of life.

I think that's all for this post. I still have to study for my quiz, FYP report and assignment. <--Talk about stress -_-|||

1 comment:

  1. hehe i like the anti stress kit... u try 1st then let me know k! haha
